February 5th Update

Dear Backers,

The team and I are truly overwhelmed by your support! After the last update, 98% of you chose to stay with us and we received incredible words of support. I have even been asked to write a book about the challenges of running a crowdfunding campaign. I definitely feel I have enough material to do so, but would rather get started once all the units have been shipped to you 🙂

Our top 3 mistakes
I have also been asked to outline the top 3 mistakes we’ve done so far, and even though there are far more than 3, below are the areas where we need to do a better job:
1. Communication! I am sure you all agree 🙂
2. Picking the right manufacturing partner, and having top manufacturing expertise on the team.
3. Thinking long term vs. short term, we have gone too far in “temporary” solutions with the aim of shipping fast, but those don’t scale and end up being very expensive.
More details in the book 😉

More units shipping to you!
On a more positive note, we have 200 new units shipping out this week! The remaining units will be shipping after the Chinese New Year.

New design well on its way

Our new design is in development and we have a few new features being tested! In the picture a “hacked” version of the current Instabeat I was wearing yesterday at the pool, can you guess what we are testing?
We need your input!
We would like to involve you as much as possible in our redesign by taking the main challenges of the current model and getting your input on how to solve them!
The first challenge is our on/off mechanism. Instabeat turns by double tapping on the unit twice. This has some limitations:
1. it is really difficult to turn it on while wearing it, so you have to turn it on before putting on your goggles.
2. If you place it in a bag in a bumpy car, double bumps could sometimes be detected as a double tap and turn it on. Though it will turn off after 60 seconds if it doesn’t detect a heart rate, you may still have a flashing device from time to time and it could affect the battery life slightly.
3. It is difficult to implement a “pause” mode, which is something some of you have been asking for.
Let us know which option you think is better by clicking on the number below:
1.Keep the double tap mechanism the same, and keep refining the algorithm to remove the odd cases.
2.Stop wasting your time and just add a button, i would much rather this option in any case.

3.Keep looking for something more creative.

If you have more ideas, please feel free to email us we would love your input!

Thanks again for your support and talk to you soon!

Hind and team.

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