
User Reviews, Version 2 Updates, and more Customer Surveys!

Dear Backers,

Over the past month, we have shipped some of the pre-order units and it’s been really fun and interesting learning from the feedback! Here is a review from one of our current users, Joe. A summary of what we’ve learned:

  • Goggle fitting is a tricky tricky business 🙂 For example, while the Speedo vanquisher works very well on some people (for example Joe, Hind), it does not seal well on other people. What we can guarantee is that you will find a fit with a different goggle and our team is here to help you make that choice.

  • We’ve also seen that most users are comfortable wearing Instabeat with bigger frame goggles (Speedo Biofuse, TYR Nest Pro, Zoggs Phantom, Aqua Sphere Kayenne, etc.)

  • The heart rate detection has been really accurate on most people, we have seen some cases where the algorithm needs some fine tuning and we are on it! As for all optical monitors, motion, water, skin color, blood flow all impact the reading and the more people we have using our product the better we can improve the detection.

  • The lap counting feature and swimstroke detection are very accurate! We are so proud!!

We are still in the process of shipping, and will send you an email to confirm your address 2 weeks before yours ships out.

In our last update, we included a survey on how you would like the on/off mechanism to work. We’ve looked at the results and most of you would prefer a physical button to be added onto version 2 of Instabeat, and we agree! It is ultimately the most reliable solution and our designers are on it!

Our next question to you is about charging the battery. Currently, you charge simply by plugging the device into your computer’s USB port, however, the USB is pretty big and even though it is waterproof, it requires a cap during use to avoid humidity. We are looking into different solutions and would like your feedback!

1.Waterproof male USB without the need for a cable (like in our current model). This will make the device bigger.
2.Waterproof female USB with the need for a micro-USB connector (a standard cord used for the Android phones that can be bought from anywhere). This design feature is smaller but would still require some kind of small plug to prevent water and salt from accumulating inside the USB.
3.Waterproof charging pin that would require a custom cable that you can only buy from us. This is the smallest form factor.
4.Wireless charging that will make the device a little more expensive, but completely sealed (which is the best for waterproofing).

Thanks again for your support and input, and do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!

Instabeat Team

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