Read about what we have been up to…

Dear Backers,

We have been a bit distant treading in shallow and in deep waters of product manufacturing and now we are coming back to our base - you - our dedicated supporters and Instabeat enthusiasts with an improved design, added features, more funding and a bigger team to enhance the Instabeat experience.

Without taking too much of your time we would like to address issues that keep us awake at nights and you patiently waiting for delivery and/or updates.
As you know, we have had multiple issues with the manufacturing and delivery of the first product. We have decided together with our investors, to move away from the old manufacturing and concentrate all our time and resources on a new and enhanced version of Instabeat, based on the invaluable feedback we got from you. It is a big decision but we believe it is the best strategy to create the best product for you, our dear backers. 
As we write this we are in the middle of the redesign effort, and we estimate the shipment of the new Instabeat to take place towards the end of Q1 2017. If you can stay with us and wait a bit longer for the delivery, we would love to offer you the new product valued at a higher market price for no extra cost. Of course, it goes without saying that we will be forever grateful for your trust and support. If you do not wish to wait, we would hate to see you leave but we will offer a full refund, just send us an e-mail with your PayPal or Bank information.
What’s coming up next?
We are lucky to have supportive investors, the same people who first invested in Instabeat in 2011, to invest another round a few months ago. The funds are entirely focused on hiring an experienced product and manufacturing team, and most importantly for testing and more testing. We have learned a lot from the users of our first version and are incorporating all the feedback into the design of the second one.

Again, we are very grateful for your support and dedication to Instabeat and the product behind improving your swimming experience.

If you live in San Francisco area and would like to be part of our testing panel click here for your information.


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